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發布時間: 2024-05-05 22:26:35

1. 表裏一體的羅馬拼音

Asa o musabori yoru o hakidashi
Ikan to suru wa gasa ga
Wakitatsu kono kanjō wa shi rokaku roka
Mezasumi rai to oitekebori ni
Shi te ki ta kako
Nejire nagara guruguru to tsunagatte iru
Sugiyuku rasen ni me o hosome te
Fushigi na yume kara mi o noridashi te
Hyou ri ittai yu bidehajiku koin ga sora ni mau
Boku wa ittai docchi no ketsu matsu negau
Hyou ri ittai hikari kagayaku hodo koku narukage
Naraba doko e to mukatte yuku
Kasanatta futatsu no mi rai
Guzenokataru hitsuzen tsuna garuwakare michi
Doko made mo i tsu made mo tsui te kuru kaku
Nomikomu no ka teashidasu no ka
araka uno ka subete wa yurusu no ka
Hikari kura yami ai jō sae wa
Onaji ne motsu tsuyoi kanjō mo
Kioku no kanata ni te o nobashi te
Kimono iru ba shō e to sotto izanatta
Hyou ri ittai ya gatte subete kieruku sa dame to shitta
Yueni zettai kono te dake wa hanasa nai
Jō shahisui akari somaru
Fusu ete iyō no shōdō
Kusari o hajiki te mezameru ima
Miru na tashika nase kai
Gin to yō no hazama de
Ko dō dake o kii te iru
Tento se n yo tsunagare
Ushinata hibi no rekuiemu
Hyou ri ittai yu bidehajiku koin ga sora ni mau
Boku wa ittai docchi no ketsu matsu negau
Hyou ri ittai hikari kagayaku hodo koku narukage
Kese nai kako sae hitomi sorasa nai
Kieyuku rasen ni me o sorashi te
Kō sashi ta hikari tokage isshi enu no ma ga zaki
Isso kono mama ni toki o koshi ta
Kasanatta futatsu no mi rai

2. 鑻辨枃楂樻墜榪涳紝奼傝В鎵樼忛暱闅懼彞鍒嗘瀽

棣栧厛闇瑕佹寚鍑猴紝浣犵殑榪欎釜孌佃惤涓鏈変釜浣嶇疆鏄閿欒鐨刟s "tabula rasa"(or,literally "blank state")forms 銆恮hat 銆慽s popularly regarded 涓鐨 what 闇瑕佸幓鎺夛紝鍚﹀垯榪欏彞璇濆氨娌℃湁璋撹浜嗐


  1. Emerging from amongst the parochial and savage child-rearing practices promulgated ring the dark age 銆愭槸鏁村彞璇濈殑鍘熷洜鐘惰銆


    a.Emerging from amongst the parochial and savage child-rearing practices銆愮姸璇鐨勪富騫查儴鍒嗐

    b. 錛坧arochial and savage child-rearing practices錛 promulgated ring the dark age銆愯繃鍘誨垎璇嶅仛錛堬級鍐呯煭璇鐨勫畾璇銆

  2. 涓誨彞閮ㄥ垎錛

    a.John Locke's expansion of the metaphor of the child as "tabula rasa"(or,literally "blank state")forms 銆愬彞瀛愪富璇銆 灞炰簬鑷冭偪鐨勫嶅悎鍚嶈瘝緇撴瀯璇嶇粍

    b.is popularly regarded as 銆愬彞瀛愯皳璇銆戞暣涓鍙ュ瓙涓鏈綆鍗曠殑閮ㄥ垎銆

    c.as one of the earliest empirical attempts 銆愬彞瀛愮殑瀹捐銆

    d.to understand the psychological processes of intellectual and emotional growth experienced by humans ring the early childhood.銆愯ラ儴鍒嗙敤涓嶅畾寮忕粨鏋勫仛 C 涓 attempts 鐨勮ˉ璇銆

    e.experienced by humans ring the early childhood.銆愯ラ儴鍒嗙敤榪囧幓鍒嗚瘝鐭璇鍋歱sychological processes of intellectual and emotional growth 鐨勫畾璇銆

  3. 鍙ュ瓙澶ф剰錛氭簮鑷涓涓栫邯錛坉ark age錛夌嫮闅橈紝閲庤洰鍏誨╁瓙鐨勭粡楠岋紝綰︾堪銆傛礇鍏嬨愯嫳鍥借憲鍚嶇殑鍝插﹀訛級 (1632-1704)銆戜赴瀵屼簡鍏跺╁瓙鍑虹敓鏃舵槸濡傚悓鐧界焊鐨勯殣鍠匯備漢浠鏅閬嶈や負浠栫殑榪欑嶆瘮鍠繪槸鏈鏃╁皾璇曠悊瑙d漢綾誨湪瀛╂彁鏃╂湡浣撲細鍒扮殑鏅哄姏鍜屾儏鎰熸垚闀跨殑蹇冪悊榪囩▼銆

  4. 鍏充簬綰︾堪路媧涘厠錛圝ohn Locke錛1632騫8鏈29鏃ワ綖1704騫10鏈28鏃ワ級 浠栨槸鍏ㄩ潰緋葷粺鍦伴槓榪板鏀挎皯涓誨熀鏈鎬濇兂鐨勭涓浣嶄綔瀹躲備粬鐨勬濇兂娣卞埢鍦板獎鍝嶄簡緹庡浗鐨勫紑鍥藉厓鍕嬪強娉曞浗鍚钂欒繍鍔ㄤ腑鐨勮稿氫富瑕佸摬瀛﹀躲

  5. 鍙傝冭祫鏂欙細鐧懼害鐧劇http://ke..com/subview/54530/7061107.htm?fromId=54530&from=rdtself

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