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发布时间: 2023-02-12 01:47:41

① 请介绍一下《蒂凡尼的早餐》的男主角乔治·比柏

乔治·佩帕德(George Peppard,1928年10月1日—1994年5月8日),出生于密竭根州东南部底特律市,美国演员、导演、制片人。






他65岁住在洛杉矶,逝世于加州大学洛杉矶分校医疗中心。其原因是肺炎,他的记者代表—谢丽尔J.卡根这样说。 他因为呼吸困难上周四进的医院,1992年一个癌肿瘤从佩帕德先生的右肺取出,卡根女士说。

② 《蒂凡尼的早餐》深层含义是什么







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导演: 布莱克·爱德华兹
编剧: 杜鲁门·卡波特、乔治·阿克塞尔罗德
主演: 奥黛丽·赫本、乔治·佩帕德、帕德里夏·妮尔、巴迪·艾布森、马丁·鲍尔萨姆、约瑟·路易斯·德·维拉龙卡、约翰·麦盖沃、多萝西·惠特尼、斯坦利·亚当斯、埃尔维亚·奥尔曼、艾伦·里德、克劳德·斯特劳德、米基·鲁尼
类型: 剧情、喜剧、爱情
制片国家/地区: 美国
语言: 英语、葡萄牙语
上映日期: 1961-10-05
片长: 115分钟
又名: 珠光宝气(港)、第凡内早餐(台)、靓女芳心、蒂凡尼早餐
清晨的纽约街头,相貌清丽的女子霍莉(奥黛丽·赫本 Audrey Hepburn饰)在橱窗前徜徉,她就是纽约上流社会的交际花。对金钱和物质的崇拜,同时却不失天真善良的霍莉,就像是纽约的“茶花女”,靠着每小时五十、一百的费用来获得交际收入。在她心里,还有一个重要的目标,那就是嫁得金龟婿。
霍莉的新邻居是一个作家保罗(乔治·佩帕德 George Peppard饰),梦想着成名,却也是依靠富太太的供给度日。遇见霍莉的保罗堕入情网,千方百计让霍莉过回正常生活,并向她求婚。然而,霍莉似乎并不愿意,在她心中,嫁给这么一个人,放弃她之前的努力,未免太不值。然而,霍莉在寻找幸福路上跌跌撞撞,直到有一天才突然明白了幸福的含义。

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⑧ 蒂凡尼的早餐 这个片名的含义是








⑨ 蒂芙尼的早餐 英文简介内容


Breakfast at Tiffany's

Struggling writer Paul Varjak moves into a New York apartment building and becomes intrigued by his pretty, quirky neighbor Holly Golightly. Holly's lifestyle confuses and fascinates Paul; in public she flits through parties with a sexy, sophisticated air, but when they're alone she changes into a sweetly vulnerable bundle of neuroses.


Breakfast at Tiffany's

Early on a fall morning, a lone taxicab deposits Holly Golightly at Tiffany's jewelery store on Fifth Avenue in New York City. Holly eats a croissant and drinks coffee while admiring the window displays, then strolls away home. At her brownstone apartment building, Holly successfully fends off her date from the night before, who has been waiting in his car outside her residence all night and is angry that she disappeared ring the course of their evening together. Holly then meets Paul Varjak, a new tenant. After feeding her pet cat (simply named "Cat"), Holly chats with Paul as she hurriedly prepares to visit Sing Sing prison, a weekly routine from which she earns $100 for an hour's conversation with Sally Tomato, an incarcerated mob boss. Holly does not seem to realize that she is passing coded messages for Sally's drug ring. Outside the brownstone, Mrs. Failenson (referred to as "2E" throughout the movie) arrives and is introced as Paul's "decorator."

That evening, Holly visits Paul in order to escape a drunken date and sees Mrs. Failenson leave money and kiss Paul goodbye. Holly wakes up Paul and they talk. It is revealed that Paul is a writer who hasn't been published since 1956 and that Holly, at the age of 14, ran away from home with her brother Fred, who is in the army.

The next day, Paul attends a party at Holly's, where he is introced to José da Silva Pereira, a handsome, rich Brazilian; and Rusty Trawler, a pudgy, rich American. Paul also meets O. J. Berman, Holly's agent. O.J. tells Paul about Holly's transformation into a classy woman but adds that she is a wild spirit, difficult to pin down.

On another day, Holly and Paul visit Sally at Sing Sing. Back home, Paul begins to write a story but hears Holly singing "Moon River" on her windowsill. Suddenly, Mrs. Failenson rushes into Paul's apartment, worried about a strange man outside. Paul is trailed by the man when he leaves the apartment and, eventually, the men confront one another in Central Park. The man introces himself as Doc, who married Holly -- real name: Lula Mae Barnes -- when she was turning 14 and explains that he has come to New York to take Holly back home to Texas, where he feels she rightly belongs. Holly later explains to Paul that the marriage was annulled, and a dejected Doc returns to Texas.

Holly and Paul go to a bar, where a drunken Holly explains her feeling of responsibility for Fred. She plans to marry Rusty for his money but then discovers that Rusty has just married another woman. Holly and Paul then spend a carefree, romantic day together, visiting the library and going to Tiffany's, where they have a cheap ring from a box of Cracker Jack engraved. They share a kiss when they arrive home, and it is implied that they spend the night together.

The next day, Paul informs Mrs. Failenson that he no longer needs her. Even so, a confused Holly now plans to marry José, angering Paul. Then one night, Holly and José return home and find a telegram informing them of Fred's death. Holly trashes her apartment in grief, and Paul is unable to calm her, while her behavior disturbs José.

Months pass. Paul has moved out of the brownstone but has been invited to dinner by Holly, who is leaving the next morning for Brazil. After Holly's dinner preparations go awry, they decide to go out to dinner and, upon returning, are arrested in connection with Sally's drug ring. Holly spends the night in lock-up. The next morning, Paul is waiting with a taxicab when she is released from jail. As the cab enters the traffic, Paul reveals that he is in possession of both Cat and a letter to Holly from José, in which the rich Brazilian breaks off the relationship e to her headline-making arrest. An emotional Holly impulsively orders the driver to stop and she throws Cat out into the pouring rain from the cab. Paul leaves the cab after confronting Holly for being afraid to accept his love. Holly runs after him and together they find Cat. Holly and Paul kiss.

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